War Game review: An unusual documentary follows a simulated attempted coup in the US

WAR GAME STILL 4 Credit: Thorsten Thielow | Shown in photo: (L to R) Simulation note taker, Elizabeth Neumann, Lou Caldera, Wes Clark, Steve Bullock, Linda Singh, Gwen Camp, David Priess, Pete Strzok

US officials taking part in a 6-hour war game of an attempted coup

Thorsten Thielow

War Game
Jesse Moss and Tony Gerber
Coming to UK television later this year; in select US cinemas

Today, I want to talk about a film. This is a diversion from our usual small-screen fare, but I recently watched a fascinating and frustrating documentary due to air on British televisions later this year – and I felt that is wiggle room enough for me to write about it. Beware a few spoilers to come.

War Game, directed by Jesse Moss and Tony Gerber, follows an…

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