Here is a scene-by-scene recap of The Pitt Season 1 Episode 12.
Hour 12: 6:00 pm- 7:00 pm.
Robby desperately tries to reach Jake, but he’s not answering. Dana tries to reassure him because she’s the best, but it’s to no avail.
The hospital manager tells Robby about the mass shooter at Pittfest, and he tells her that they need more help, the night shift is coming in, and she says that they’re calling in more people. Despite all of their differences, these two are finally on the same page because there’s a much bigger problem ahead.
Robby tells Dana to call Jake some more and reserve so that people can relieve them at some point since they’ve been on shift for so long. It truly is the longest shift in the history of mankind, my goodness!
Robby tells the hospital manager about other needs, including clearing out the ER, adding more beds, and other such things, and for once, she’s not arguing with him about it; they’re on the same page.
Robby tells McKay and Mohan about the mass casualties coming in, and McKay asks about the young kid who they’re still looking for who may be a shooter. Robby doesn’t answer her.
Robby announces to the full staff about the mass shooting at Pittfest and that they’ll be getting a lot of trauma. He reminds them to eat, stay hydrated, and prepare for everything.
Abbott (Shawn Hatosy) arrives to help out, and Robby is relieved to have his friend’s extra help. It’s the epitome of calling in the calvary and Captain American calling in The Falcon. The Dynamic duo has this!
They get an influx of supplies to prepare for what’s to come, and Abbott starts calling some shots as the entire staff starts prepping with extra supplies, kits, and everything.
They shuffle all the other patients in the ER to Urgent Care and Family Medicine to make room for the mass casualties, and some of the patients are upset and express their anger at getting moved around and out. They feel their emergencies are just as important.
Sir, people are DYING! Good grief!
Robby tells Dana to bring pharmacy down. She still can’t reach Jake, and he tells her to reach out to Jake’s mother and also call Collins to see if she can come in.
Mel takes a moment to call her sister. She’s honestly the best. Protect Mel at all costs.
Mckay calls her mother to come get her son. He’s still in the staff kitchen area. She tells him not to leave the room until her parents come to get him.
Designated primaries for each department will wear orange vests to consult with amid everything. They set up triage, and Robby explained the slap bands and color coding.
They only have five minutes to assess people before sending them to where they need to be because they’ll be that slammed.
Abbott tells them that they’re a mass unit, so there’s no charting or board. It’s essentially a combat zone. The assessment is based on mental status and pulse point.
Robby sends the three interns to the basement to wrangle up more supplies because what they have they’ll burn through within the hour. yeah, they’re definitely going to burn through everything. Oof!

Mohan wants Collins but seems put out or reluctant that she has to work with Abbott, who will be running his department.
Dana notices that Myrna, the woman who was handcuffed to her wheelchair, has suddenly disappeared.
They have 300 wrist charts for the upcoming patients, and Robby hopes they won’t need them all. He goes through everything and what’s incoming with Shin, someone they called in to head triage.
Shin seems easily distracted, and Robby keeps checking in to make sure Shin is actually listening to him. He quizzes him on what he outlined.
Shin seems too at ease to be heading the triage department.
Theresa (the potential shooter’s mother) shows Robby that she’s been signed out and says she still hasn’t heard from her son, David. He tells her to get out of there since they’re about to get busy. And he hopes that they hear from David.
The first car rolls in with a series of injuries. A young man in the backseat named Duncan has been shot in the chest. Robby assesses Duncan’s injuries and slaps a pink band on him as he’s a priority.
Robby tells the cop who brought in Duncan to go speak to Theresa because her son may have something to do with the shooting.
Robby heads to a van where a woman is applying pressure to her son. She says he’s deaf. Another person in it is dead, and Shin slaps the black and white band on him for DOA.
Ellis, another doctor, comes in early and gets right to work as Robby tells her to help with triage.
Inside Mohan is working on a patient where she stabilizes him and has to send him somewhere else. Robby flits from one patient to the next assessing other people’s work and directing where they should go.
Mel helps the deaf kid’s mother, Sylvia. She keeps talking about her son Omar and how she got separated. She tells Mel that her son Omar is deaf and only uses ASL, and everyone needs to know that.
Mel says she’ll share the news.
Javadi’s mother comes in and asks who needs help, and she starts going to work.
Mel tracks down Omar and marks that he’s deaf on his wrist chart.
Robby and Abbott examine a gunshot to the head and determine that the person can make it and move them to the OR.
Robby notices Langdon in the hallway treating a casualty. He angrily confronts him and says that he shouldn’t be there, but Langdon stands firm on being there and feels that none of the people should be there because of this shooting.
Langdon tells Robby to go handle another situation that’s pressing and that he needs to trust him because he has this. Robby is reluctant but has to keep moving.
Robby assesses the man who got slapped with a yellow band because of his gaping head wound. He then passes him onto Mel.
Sylvia stops Robby in the hallway to ask again about her son Omar (the deaf kid with a chest wound), and he tells her that he’s up in surgery and he’ll tell he more when he knows more.
The entire nurse station and hallway are chaos. Robby is still trying to search for either Jake or the shooter, David.
He catches up with Dana who observes that Langdon is back, but Robby says it isn’t by choice, and he’ll deal with that later. Dana still can’t reach Collins (Robby notes that he told her to turn off her phone) or Jake.
She did speak to his mother on the landline and told her to call if she hears from Jake. Robby heads back out to triage to check in, and Shin is cracking jokes but wheeling in another patient.
Javadi’s mother keeps trying to micromanage and teach her along the way while they’re working on patients, and Javadi finally snaps at her mother, telling her to “read the fucking room.”
Her mother seems shocked by this. She then cooly moves on, possibly embarrassed at Javadi’s outbursts.
Javadi and McKay share a look as McKay seems impressed that Javadi finally stood up to her mother.
Mel and Santos try to help the elder man with the head cut as he’s bleeding profusely. He tells Mel to go help someone else and that he can handle staunching the bleeding because it takes a village. He’s been the peace, love, hippie type.
el heads to Sylvia (Omar’s mother), who has lost consciousness and has no pulse. Mel and Whitaker try to see what they missed. They missed a liver injury and the leg injury was just a distraction from that.
Robby announces another DOA and sends someone else in.
Mel slides on blood on her way to Dana to request more supplies. Dana initially says she can’t get them but then puts in a call while she also demands that someone bring the mop to clean up all the blood.
Mel and Whittaker are still working on Sylvia when she hears Langdon shouting out orders. She enthusiastically expresses happiness that he’s there, and he is amused by that and asks what she needs help with.
They explain the situation with Sylvia. He tells them to stabilize the leg and congratulates both of them on catching Sylvia’s injuries.
Mckay’s ex-husband hobbles onto the floor saying he’s looking for his son. He tells the security guard who stopped him that McKay wanted him to take their son home, so she lets him go past.
He pauses when he sees the chaos and McKay at work saving lives. Mckay finally notices Chad and tells him to go sit with Harrison in the staff lounge. Chad is on his way when he see a dead body rolling past him.

He seems to be rattled by everything that he saw. He tells Harrison that he’s there to take him home but Harrison says he wants to go home with his mother, and he’ll wait for McKay.
They watch a movie on his tablet together.
Mel checks in with another doctor about Sylvia and reminds them about Omar being deaf.
Langdon properly treats a woman who is diabetic when she is tagged for something else.
He tries to small talk with Dana when he sees her, but it doesn’t work, so he moves on. He shows up when Santos is working on the elder man with the profusely bleeding head.
Things are tense between him and Santos, and he gives praise to Mel.
Robby stops and intubates a patient coming in, showing McKay a new way of doing it. Mohan then calls him elsewhere to deal with another patient who needs to be intubated.

Santos notices that another patient with a GSW has disappeared out of his chair. She finds him at the door of another patient room, filming everything that’s happening with his phone.
She calls for security, and he runs, slips on the blood (what the bastard deserved), and falls on the floor. Santos notices that he stole someone’s hoodie to look like a victim and maybe press or something.
Finally, someone comes to mop up the blood, and they send the guy to another area of the hospital. Santos dumps his phone into the bloody water.
Mateo tells Javadi’s mother that they’re out of tubes when she tries to intubate someone, and she throws a fit and is mad at him. Javadi finds a solution with another type of tube, a different use for a bag, and Mateo offers a solution for how to connect them.
It’s all very MaGyver, and Javadi’s mother seems out of her element. Mateo notes that Javadi is a genius for her improvisations.

They run out of O- and Mel treats another patient and goes to Robby asking if she can donate blood for patients. She says she donates all of the time and they don’t need to do all the screening. He allows it.
They set up a blood donation center because they’re out of blood and need more.
Someone approaches the social worker, Kiara, asking about her mother Patricia.
They have all the people waiting to hear about their loved ones upload as much information as possible into the website to help identify patients using the QR code system.
Mel finishes donating and immediately sets it up for her patient.
Robby helps Mohan with the airway for another patient who has a GSW to the carotid. Abbott assists even while hooked to a blood bag because he’s O- and donating.
Whitaker and Santos are overwhelmed in their yellow station because Mel is still in the other station working on the patient she just donated to.
Santos treats a woman who is still starting to process the shooting.
Mateo and Javadi help with a perforated bowl or intestines.
Robby heads out and talks to the cop. They haven’t found the shooter, and he tells Robby that the FBI is pinging the boy’s phone and the mother doesn’t know.
A cop car rolls in with a cop who has been shot in the face.
The SWAT team is out, and they tell Robby, Ellis, and Shin that it’s a precaution in case the shooter comes there. Shin wonders when this is going to end.

More ambulances are coming, and more cases are being rerouted to them.
Robby checks his phone and texts Jake to ask if he’s okay. He still doesn’t get a response.
Check out our The Pitt Review for our take on the hour, and stay tuned for exclusives!
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