Murder in the Family: The Ptolemies

The Ptolemaic Temple of Horus at Edfu.

For 275 years, the Ptolemies ruled as Egypt’s last, enduring dynasty. Each king carried the name Ptolemy, and each queen carried the name Cleopatra, Berenice, or Arsinoe. They are remembered for their epic final moments – the Ptolemies knew how to go out in style. Flourishing as a prosperous and richly cultured empire, nothing compared to their opulence.

In the beginning, they were welcomed. The Egyptians had been under the rule of the Achaemenid Empire, which cared little for their religion or traditions. Conversely, the Ptolemies embraced their culture, blending their Macedonian heritage with Egyptian customs. Establishing their power and influence through diplomatic relations with Egyptian elites and the priesthood, their legitimacy was never questioned. Ambitious kings and formidable queens were highly organized, establishing numerous military colonies, tightly controlling commerce and trade, and providing aid to the less fortunate.

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