The latest Fortnite missions have arrived for Chapter 5, Season 4. This week’s batch of jobs will once again have you running tasks for Jones and Hope in their long-term plans for defeating Doom, while going toe-to-toe with another of the Marvel baddie bosses. This guide will detail everything you need to know about completing these quests.
The Illusionist
- Stage 1 – Mysterio likes this place to look perfect
- Stage 2 – I’ve had weird conversations with Loops around. Be on high alert.
- Stage 3 – Is everyone… brainwashed
- Stage 4 – I’m investigating. I’m coming for Mysterio, and he’s not gonna see it happening.
- Stage 5 – You can’t brainwash innocent people, Mysterio! This ends today!
- Stage 6 – Mysterio doesn’t run this town anymore. Let’s make our mark.
- Stage 7 – Doom’s gonna hate this
Mysterio likes this place to look perfect

The first part of this story quest is extremely easy to complete. You’ll need to visit Doomstadt and drop five common items anywhere (it can be the same item five times in a row!). As soon as you do that, Jones and Hope will call you and talk about how things are feeling weird because of Mysterio.
I’ve had weird conversations with Loops around. Be on high alert.

To complete this quest, you must hit an opponent within ten seconds of leaving a hiding place. We recommend you stay in Doomstadt and run into some bushes. The second you see either an AI or player, jump out and land a single shot. Only one needs to hit to complete the quest.
Is everyone…brainwashed
For this part of the quest, you’ll either need to wake up brainwashed characters or eliminate three hired AIs. We recommend waking up the characters, since it doesn’t involve fighting other people. You’ll need to talk to Rust, Peabody, and Brite Raider.
When you get to them and open the dialog chart, you’ll see an option that will allow you to wake them up from the illusion. Once you’re done talking to them, Hope will call you, saying how everything Doom and friends have done is wrong.
I’m investigating. I’m coming for Mysterio, and he’s not gonna see it happening.
This part of the quest will involve you going back to Doomstadt. When you get there, you’ll need to destroy five surveillance cameras. They can be found all around the area, and you won’t need to look too hard to find them.
You can’t brainwash innocent people, Mysterio! This ends today!

For this part of the quest, you’ll be tasked with killing Mysterio. The second you start the fight with him, he’ll teleport and clone himself. With that in mind, we highly suggest grabbing a shotgun and shooting him before that happens so you can inflict as much damage as possible.
If you’re having a hard time finding the real one, look at his health bar—the real deal has multiple bars, but the clones will have just one line. So, make sure to focus on that one. After you kill him, Hope and Jones will call you to explain how they plan on getting Doom off the island.
Mysterio doesn’t run this town anymore. Let’s make our mark.

This quest is fairly easy to do. Once you kill Mysterio, stay in Doomstadt and use the Spray emote on any structure in the area four times.
Doom’s gonna hate this.
The final part of this quest is another easy task. All you have to do is use the special spray as before, but this time, make sure you use it on the statue in the center of Doomstadt. Once done, The Oracle and Hope will call you, they’ll talk some nonsense, and you’ll be done with all of The Illusionist’s quests.
Congratulations, you just defeated one of the main bosses of this season, now that he’s gone Doom is definitely going to notice. Good luck!