Is my frequent laughter damaging my credibility at work?

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Joeff Davis/Shutterstock (14611938am) August 10, 2019 - Des Moines, Iowa: California Senator and democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris at the 'Cast Your Kernel' election during the Iowa State Fair. Senator Kamala Harris Tours Iowa State Fair, Des Moines - 10 Aug 2019

“One of my colleagues has pointed out that I laugh a lot, even when no one’s joking,” a reader writes. “I’d never really noticed this before, but his comments have made me worry that my laughter is damaging my credibility at work.”

No, this reader isn’t Kamala Harris, though I can’t help wonder if she has been inspired by the discourse around the Veep’s habit of chuckling her way through interviews. Titles like The New York Times and The Atlantic have speculated about the impact this may have on her presidential campaign, but what does science have to say?


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