March is the fateful month in which we finally bid winter adieu and welcome spring with open arms. While you may not typically view March as a time of major savings, we dare you to think again. You may be pleasantly surprised by the sweet deals you’ll find on health and beauty products, outdoor gear and other seasonal savings.
Plus, March is always an exciting time for savings at RMN since it holds Spring Savecation, our annual event that connects you directly to some of the best travel deals around. To keep track of it all, we’ve added the latest and greatest deals to our interactive calendar above so you can jump right into shopping when you see a deal you like. To help you be even more savings savvy, we’ve used our internal discount data to calculate the average discounts shoppers can expect to find this month. Read below as we recap our favorite sales and break down the five categories so you may want to prioritize as you shop this month.
Top Sales to Shop in March
- Spring Savecation: Don’t miss your access to our annual event that serves as your passport to travel deals and cash back rewards across flights, stays and more. Check out RMN’s Spring Savecation now!
- Wayfair Spring Savings Event: Give your home a refresh for spring with up to 70% off at Wayfair through March 3.
- LG Washer & Dryer Deal: Now through April 2, score a free 1-year warranty upgrade with the purchase of select LG washers and dryers. Plus, enjoy up to $250 Rinse laundry service credits as you wait for your appliances to arrive.
- International Women’s Day Sale: Mark your calendars for March 8. It’s the perfect day to shop from women-owned brands like Kendra Scott, Tarte Cosmetics and so many more.
- Pi Day Sales: Pi Day is observed on March 14, bringing deals on pizza, pies and other baked goods from some of your favorite restaurants.
- St. Patrick’s Day Sales: Save some green while you sport some green on St. Patrick’s Day. Look for deals at eateries like Applebee’s, Burger King, Panera and more.
- RMN Cash Back Boost Event: From March 20-23, enjoy cash back boosted up to 20% from some of your favorite stores and brands.

The 5 Smartest Things to Shop for This March
1. Tax Software (Average Discount: 27% Off)
While early birds file in January and February and the procrastinators file in April, March is a sweet spot for tax filing. We know you’re eager to get your refund and don’t want to wait until the last minute, and luckily many tax software brands make it easy to get ahead of the game by offering deals you don’t want to miss out on.
Check out these brands for your tax preparation needs:
2. Health & Beauty (Average Discount: 24% Off)
Times of seasonal transition can be rough on the skin, so this is a good time to invest in beauty. Plus, with spring coming up, you’ll surely want to get ahead of your allergies. It’s an important month for prioritizing your health and beauty and luckily the savings are here to meet your needs.
Find amazing health and beauty deals from these brands:
3. Travel: Hotels & Resorts (Average Discount: 23% Off)
Our annual Spring Savecation event is in March for a reason. Now is an excellent time to book travel, particularly your hotel and resort stays. Lock something down now at a great price and enjoy having an exciting getaway to look forward to this year.
We love booking travel deals with these brands:
4. Home & Garden (Average Discount: 16% Off)
Is your home and garden ready for the arrival of spring? The season is coming either way, so you might as well give your spaces a refresh that welcomes all the warmth, color and new energy that springtime has to offer. You’ll find awesome deals that will hopefully fuel you with inspiration.
Shop these home and garden brands we love now:
5. Outdoor Gear (Average Discount: 16% Off)
Finally, we’re getting closer to weather that makes us want to be outside more. Celebrate by investing in some nicely discounted outdoor gear from reliable brands. You may uncover new activities you love once you have the right essentials to enjoy them properly. Never underestimate the goodness that comes with fresh air and immersing yourself in nature.
Here are some outdoor gear brands we recommend shopping for:
The post Save the Dates: What to Buy in March appeared first on The Real Deal by RetailMeNot.