Dark Winds to Enthrall Viewers Through 2026 Thanks to Very Early Season 4 Renewal

AMC is staying in the mystery game with Dark Winds.

The streaming service renewed Season 4 of the critically acclaimed drama on Monday, weeks ahead of its Season 3 premiere.

This vote of confidence indicates that the cable network believes the upcoming season will resonate with the show’s audience.

AMC's Dark Winds Season 3.AMC's Dark Winds Season 3.
(Michael Moriatis/AMC )

Even more exciting: Production on Dark Winds Season 4 is set to get underway next month, ahead of a 2026 premiere.

The news means that AMC is getting back to one season per year for some of its shows.

Tough Spot - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 6Tough Spot - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 6
(Michael Moriatis/AMC)

For some reason, the TV industry has embraced lengthy hiatuses between seasons.

Dark Winds Is Going One Season Per Year

Sometimes, series are off the air for three years, which isn’t a great way to build buzz.

Dark Winds has a relatively self-contained storyline each season, so that could work because the show knows how to generate buzz.

Behind the Man - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 6Behind the Man - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 6
What role Rosemary played in B.J.’s arrest may remain a mystery. (Michael Moriatis/AMC)

But we’re thankful that this one won’t have such a long wait.

“When we greenlit the first season of Dark Winds, we saw the potential for an authentic and long-running franchise that could live alongside the worlds we were building around The Walking Dead and Anne Rice,” said Dan McDermott, president of entertainment and AMC Studios for AMC Networks.

“That is exactly what this cast and creative team delivered, and the fans have responded. It starts with Tony Hillerman’s unforgettable novels, cared for and attended to by a producing team that includes the likes of Robert Redford, George R. R. Martin, Chris Eyre and our showrunner John Wirth, and – at the center of everything – the truly extraordinary Zahn McClarnon and the entire cast,” the exec continued.

Having a Talk - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 5Having a Talk - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 5
Emma and Joe finally have a talk about processing Joe’s death. (Michael Moriatis/AMC)

“Fans have embraced this series on AMC/ AMC+ and made it a top 10 show on Netflix for a solid month last fall. There is so much great storytelling yet to come in these expanded third and fourth seasons.”

AMC Wants More From the Franchise

“I’m looking forward to exploring and inhabiting the character of Joe Leaphorn once again in Season 4, and I’m excited to make my directorial debut on a show that means so much to me,” said executive producer and star Zahn McClarnon.

“I’d like to send my gratitude and appreciation to Kristin Dolan, Dan McDermott, and all of the hard-working folks at AMC Networks for their support and commitment to Dark Winds.”

Emma Takes Stand - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 6Emma Takes Stand - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 6
Emma makes a principled choice concerning Mary Landon’s article on forced sterilization. (Michael Moriatis/AMC)

“And of course, I’m most thrilled to be spending time with this wonderful cast and crew whom I have grown to love.”

“Kristin Dolan, Dan McDermott, and everyone at AMC Networks have been so supportive of our little show. I know I speak for our superlative writers, extraordinary cast and dedicated crew when I say we are excited and energized by the opportunity to continue exploring and expanding the world of Dark Winds in a fourth season,” added executive producer and showrunner John Wirth.

McClarnon returns to topline Dark Winds Season 3, which premieres Sunday, March 9 at 9 p.m.

Cranky Gordo - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 4Cranky Gordo - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 4
Gordo is perplexed by Bern as they ride together to find the missing Joe. (Michael Moriatis/AMC)

The season begins six months after the events of Dark Winds Season 3 and follows Lt. Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee as they search for answers following the disappearance of two boys.

Dark Winds Season 3 Promises a Compelling Case

All the pair have to go on in their investigation is an abandoned bicycle and a blood-stained patch of ground.

Meanwhile, Bernadette’s storyline will continue as she attempts to settle into her new life 500 miles from home.

However, she “stumbles across a conspiracy involving human and drug smuggling with far-reaching implications.”

Firing Client - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 6Firing Client - Dark Winds Season 2 Episode 6
Jim Chee confronts B.J. Vines about his activities at the People of Darkness gathering. (Michael Moriatis/AMC)

The guest cast for Dark Winds Season 3 includes Jenna Elfman, Bruce Greenwood, Max Trujillo, Tonantzin Carmelo, Alex Meraz, Terry Serpico, Derek Hinkey, Phil Burke, Christopher Heyerdahl, and A Martinez.

It’s a stacked cast, and we can’t wait to see what they all bring to the show.

What are your thoughts on the very early renewal, Dark Winds Fanatics?

Do you think it’s a good idea?

Hit the comments below.

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