Valet Parking Tickets 3-Part 1 000 with Free Parking Receipts (Yellow)

SKU: 975954658 Category:

Product Description

3 X 8 1/2 3-Section Valet parking tickets printed on heavyweight 9pt. stock. Printed two sides with jumbo red numbers. Car damage diagram on back and disclaimer on Claim Check. Price listed is per 1 000. IN-STOCK and ships SAME DAY. COMES WITH A FREE PARKING RECEIPT PAD WITH 100 RECEIPTS!! Don’t be fooled by misleading or false claims of quality! While many ticket providers use a low quality and extremely thin 110# paper our valet tickets are printed on heavyweight 9pt stock the equivalent of 150# ticket paper. Even with 40% thicker paper Caymil provides tickets at the most competitive prices in the industry! Not only is the paper we use thicker and more durable our quality control standards are unsurpassed. A parked car means revenue – if you’re missing tickets that means either your ticket provider wasn’t making certain all numbered tickets are accounted for – or your attendant wasn’t. Don’t wonder where a suspected ticket or revenue went missing Caymil guarantee’s all tickets are accounted for before we ship it to you!